Youth Operation Center / Bits und Bäume 38C3

FSFE Women Meetup
27.12, 14:00–15:00 (Europe/Berlin), B&B Workshop Area
Sprache: English

Meetup of the FSFE Women group. All women, inter, trans and non-binary people who are interested in Free Software are welcome to join.

FSFE Women is a women-centric group and open to all women, inter, trans and non-binary people who are interested in Free Software. The group gets together about once in a month online to meet, give talks about topics we find interesting in the area of Free Software and discuss recent developments.

Liv ist ein neurodivergentes nonbinäres Mädel das freie Software mag, Elter von zwei Miezen and hat viele Stimtoys. Sie ist in ihrer Freizeit vor allem in der FSFE aktiv und bouldert gern.

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