Jugend-Village auf dem Chaos Communication Camp 2023

Flutter - performant cross platform development using modern development flows
17.08, 11:00–12:30 (Europe/Berlin), Bühne (Mary Ann Horton)

Flutter is a software development kit based on the Dart language enabling developers to create performant cross-platform applications.

We'll have an introduction for people with some basic knowledge of Flutter or other cross-platform tool kits and later on a view on advanced topics.

In this talk, we will have a look on performance-tuning, useful features as well as some background information on the Flutter framework, it's engine and the Dart runtime.

In particular, the following topics will be addressed:

  • What's this fluttery Flutter?
  • Animations
  • example of animations
  • performance-tuning
  • UX patterns in Flutter
  • responsive layouts
  • routing
  • hight-quality Widgets
  • the Flutter Framework
  • under the hood of Flutter's rendering
  • Flutter Web, dart2js and what Flutter has (not) to do with JavaScript
  • Flutter, the bad, the ugly

Slides : https://slides.com/theonewiththebraid/flutter

Content Note

Could contain traces of sarcasm and Danish.

Wieviele Jugendliche können teilnehmen? Wie viele TN müssen es mindestens sein? Wie viele maximal?


The one with the braid is software developer living in a superposition of France and Germany, she works on [matrix] in healthcare, is Linux, privacy and security enthusiast and open source evangelist.

I like trains. Choo-choo !