Jugend-Village auf dem Chaos Communication Camp 2023

2023-08-17, 13:00–16:00 (Europe/Berlin), Bühne (Mary Ann Horton)

Come to play the Game of All Games! You will want to tell everybody about it once you’ve played it!

Come to play the Game of All Games! You will want to tell everybody about it once you’ve played it!

Nomic is a game where every move is to change the game itself. Nomic gives you a first-hand experience of the glory and frustration of democracy, the tricks of lobbyism, the paradox of self-amendment or it could simply be a good fun time, totally depending on the people you are playing with!

There’ll be a simple set of initial rules to begin the game with, then for each move, players take turns to suggest a change to the existing rules of the game. Win or lose? You decide!!!

Pre-requisite: Be able to articulate yourself in English.

Content Note


Wieviele Jugendliche können teilnehmen? Wie viele TN müssen es mindestens sein? Wie viele maximal?
